Helping your clients identify meaningful goals
One of the clearly defined goals of the aged care reforms is for people to remain active participants of their community. There are clearly both social and economic benefits to keeping elders within the social structure of any community. Elders have the time to devote...
Consumer Directed Care and Home Care Packages
So the client, or ‘consumer’ as they are now called, finally gets to have some substantial input on the care they receive. This is a great step forward. No longer does the client have to accept what an organisation or assessor believes is ‘good’ or right for them....
A Pledge for Positive Change: Providing client centred care in 2015
Change. Often this is imposed on us from above. But what if you were the change-maker? What difference could you make in your workplace? International Change Day is fast approaching – mark it on your calendar: Wednesday 11th March 2015. What is it? Change Day is...