by Christabelle | Clients
At this time of COVID-19 and home isolation, care staff are probably finding family carers more stressed than usual. Increased levels of support are needed for them to provide care for the Person Living with Dementia (PLWD) at home. This is especially true for family...
by Donna | Care and Safety
Right now things are pretty crappy for a lot of people. All of us face restrictions on what we can do, who we can see, where we can go. Depending on where you are, things may also be very tight in terms of space and options for physical freedom. We are experiencing a...
by Carrie | Refresh and Renew
Those of us working in the aged care industry are used to change. We’ve been adapting and modifying the way we operate to make things better for those who need our support as they age, but right now, we’re facing something that is forcing us to adapt and modify...