Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions (FAQ’s) we get asked. If you have any other questions you would like answered, please drop us a line from the Contact page.

Why the name: Culturally Directed Care Solutions?

The name ‘culturally directed care solutions’ comes from our belief that most of the answers are to be found within culture. Too often we can fall into the trap of believing that we have all the answers, this is our reminder to ourselves that we need to recognise and respect the culture of the individual. If we want to know how to provide quality care to an indigenous person or a war veteran then we need to ask them or someone from their family, seek information about their past and the culture they grew up in and use that as a guide to providing quality care.

Where do you work?

The CDCS Team work across Australia in all states. While the majority of our work is with rural and remote services, we also have team members who are willing and able to assist urban services.

Many of the resources that have been developed for use in a very remote setting also have application for mainstream services who employ staff from a Non-English Speaking Background (NESB) or are providing services to clients from a NESB.

What is the Services Development Assistance Panel (SDAP)?

CDCS are a Services Development Assistance Panel (SDAP) member. The SDAP is a panel of experts who support the Commonwealth Government’s commitment to the Indigenous Aged Care Plan.

One of the key elements under the Indigenous Aged Care Plan is a Support Program to provide capacity building, professional advice and support to services in remote and very remote areas and to eligible aged care services that provide aged care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. The SDAP is part of this Support Plan.

What is Consumer Directed Care?

Consumer Directed Care (CDC) is not just Person Centred Care. It is a model of service delivery that gives people more choice and flexibility over how they receive care and support. It includes the principles of wellness and re-ablement, independence, choice and decision making, transparency and partnerships. All Home Care Packages in Australia have a requirement to be delivered under the CDC model since July 1st 2015. This includes providing consumers with an individual budget and monthly statements on how their package funds are spent.

Who creates those lovely pictures and can I buy a licence to use them on our own documents?

Our artist Blaise Dehon lives in Belgium – I know, a long way from Australia, right! However, we take plenty of photos (after getting permission from the individuals involved) and send to Blaise along with descriptions of the settings and situation. It take a fair amount of going back and forth until we get it right.  No, it’s not cheap, but we have been able to develop a consistent set of images that are culturally relatable.

For services or other businesses who wish to use these images we are able to offer a commercial licence. This allows you to use the images in your own documents without contravening Australian copyright law. Please contact us at info@cdcs.com.au for more information.