Introduction to Aged Care Videos

Videos & Facilitator Guides

These videos were developed as a collaboration between CDCS, the East Arnhem Regional Council (EARC) aged care staff and management, and iTalk Studios. They were funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care as part of an SDAP project.

As these videos are designed to promote discussion, we recommend downloading the facilitator guides for further information on the topic.

FULL SCREEN: All videos on this page can be viewed in full screen mode for easier viewing. After clicking the video to play it, click the “Full screen” option in the lower right-hand corner to enter or exit full screen mode.

how to make the video full-screen

Getting a Job in Aged Care

Do You Want to Work in Aged Care?

What sort of work might you be expected to do? What qualities does a person need to work as a care worker?

What To Expect In The Interview

What to expect and what questions you may be asked in the interview.

What to Expect on your First Day At Work

Learning about expectations in the workplace including uniforms, attendance time and phones.

Working in Aged Care

#1 – Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Home Care

Using PPE to keep yourself and people receiving care safe.

#2 – Safe Handling Of Chemicals in Aged Care

The correct way of handling and storing chemicals used in the workplace.

#3 – An Introduction to Infection Control

Understanding how you contribute to infection control in the aged care workplace.

#4 – Staying Safe Around Dogs (remote context)

How to keep yourself safe when clients keep dogs who may be aggressive.

(No Facilitator Guide is available for this video.)

#5 – Risk Awareness And Incident Response (remote setting)

Understand what to look out for and how to respond appropriately if something does escalate into an incident.

#6 – Maintaining Privacy And Confidentiality

Protecting the private and sensitive information held by the organisation on people receiving care.

#7 – Supporting Wellness And Reablement

Wellness and reablement are essential concepts that are embedded in the Australian aged care model.

#8 – Know Your Scope Of Practice

Common areas where care staff might be inadvertently working outside their scope of practice simply because they want to help a client.

#9 – Understanding Your Duty Of Care

Understanding the concept and ensuring your actions or inactions do not result in harm or injury to the person receiving care.

#10 – Supporting Dignity Of Risk

Dignity of risk is another way of saying that a person has the right to live the life they choose, even if those choices may involve some risk.

#11 – Neglect in a Home Care Setting

Neglect is a form of elder abuse. Elder abuse is defined as any act within a relationship of trust that harms an older person.

#12 – Recognising and Managing Complaints And Feedback

Learning how to handle feedback and complaints and why managing these is important to quality care.

#13 – Understanding the Intake And Assessment Process

This video explores one of the ways that older people may access aged care services and the processes that are involved.

#14 – Understanding the Service Plan

A service plan outlines what support a person gets, when and how it is delivered and why staff need to follow the plan.

#15 – Care Plan Reviews & Responding to Changes

Small changes in a person can indicate they may need extra services, changes to how their help is delivered or a referral.


These videos are designed to help people considering working in aged care and can be freely used by educators or organisations who wish to promote working in the aged care sector.

Note: The context and setting of these videos is that of rural or remote Indigenous communities, but the content is often applicable in other settings.

Story: Carrie Akhurst & Christopher Brocklebank

Cultural and contextual advice: EARC aged care team

Illustration: Blaise Dehon

Animation: Tim Adlide

Principal Voice Artists:
Judith: Ruth Henderson,
Lance: Nathan Robb,
Samuel: Matthew David,
Enid: Nicole Candian,
Tamika: Tiffany Dimmack

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