Who We Are

How We Make a Difference

We believe that our elderly are entitled to quality care. This is a fundamental right, no matter who the person is, their cultural background, their circumstances, or where they live.

We make a difference by helping service providers deliver better quality care, applying solutions that are person-centred in a sustainable and compliant framework.

For more than 25 years, we have specialised in supporting Indigenous, CALD, rural and remote communities. We help organisations and teams access relevant resources, training and expertise that is right for them.

Meet The Team

Donna Cross profile

Donna Cross

CEO / Quality & Compliance Specialist

Carrie Akhurst - Aged Care Compliance Consultant

Carrie Akhurst

Director / Industry Specialist

Sue Miller profile

Sue Miller

Business Manager

Maggie Duncan profile

Maggie Duncan

Website & Tech Consultant

Jane profile

Jane Gosche

Audit Specialist / RN

Michelle profile pic

Michelle Kitchin

Home Care Specialist / RN

Craig Cross profile picture

Craig Cross

Home Care Management & Transition

Christabelle profile picture

Christabelle Baranay

Dementia Consultant

Our Artist – Blaise Dehon


Blaise is the creator of our unique, customised graphics and storyboards. These hand drawn pictures allow us to overcome language barriers to better meet the cultural requirements of our clients. Our storyboards are a solution that is not dependent on the limited use of personal photos. The pictures created by Blaise are used extensively in our client materials, such as client and staff handbooks and brochures.

Blaise is also a talented and in-demand cartoonist.

Young indigenous woman delivering meals on wheels to older indigenous woman
Older woman with a younger woman looking at a photo album
Elderly indigenous women watching television while having morning tea
Older man sitting in his garden with a shovel