Be Prepared for Winter – Good Infection Practices are not just for COVID
On the 11th March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Although they downgraded the status of the pandemic from a ‘public health emergency of international concern' in May 2023, it still remains a global health risk. This means...
The Importance of Airflow and Ventilation in Aged Care
As I sit writing this post the wind is blustering against my office windows. It's great for getting the washing dry, but not so good for those of us who suffer from hayfever! However, I did take the precaution of taking an antihistamine first thing this morning in an...
Open Borders – What does this mean for your service?
Around Australia we are hearing the term open borders, as in ‘the borders will be open in time for Christmas’ – or perhaps not, depending on what State or Territory you live in. While many people are rejoicing that they will be able to spend this holiday time with...
The Best 6 Tips for Emergency Planning (excluding pandemics!)
Yes, it’s hard to believe that there are other ‘types’ of emergencies to be ready for apart from COVID! However, the advent of spring and the approach of summer means greater risks of fire, heatwave conditions, storms and floods. As a volunteer firefighter, the month...