Aged Care Packages – what’s in the box?
I belong to a Facebook group that aims to help consumers and their families understand and navigate the aged care system. Because let's face it, simply accessing aged care services can be confusing for many. The group is great: there are a lot of knowledgeable people...
9 Ways to Prevent Skin Deterioration in an Older Person
It's easy to get lost in the whirlwind of lotions and potions in a world flooded with the latest skin-care trends and anti-aging remedies. But the undeniable truth remains that while we can delay some of the effects, we really cannot prevent the aging of our skin. And...
When Home Isn’t Safe: Talking About Elder Abuse
An elderly mother sits quietly in a lounge chair, slightly hunched over, a cardigan hiding bruises on her arms caused by the rough handling of her daughter – her carer. An old man sits in the dark, hungry. His power is cut off because he can't afford to pay his...
Tips for Spotting Signs of Deterioration in People in Residential Aged Care
This month, at 96 years of age, Queen Elizabeth II passed away. There were noticeable changes in the Queen's health prior to this; over the past year or two, her health had steadily declined, with her mobility affected and illnesses impacting her more. In our last...