When Home Isn’t Safe: Talking About Elder Abuse
An elderly mother sits quietly in a lounge chair, slightly hunched over, a cardigan hiding bruises on her arms caused by the rough handling of her daughter – her carer. An old man sits in the dark, hungry. His power is cut off because he can't afford to pay his...
What is the Commonwealth Home Support Program?
Those of us who work in the aged care sector often use a lot of acronyms. Sometimes we describe the care and support we provide to clients by referencing a program, such as saying someone is receiving CHSP support or they're on a Home Care Package, but we often don't...
The Ticking Clock – Advance Care Planning
I can’t remember who said that famous quote…”time waits for no man (or woman)”, but I’m sure many of you out there have heard it and probably know its origin. I don’t think there are too many people on this planet who don’t feel the seemingly innate ‘tick’...
Technology for Seniors in a COVID-19 Environment
Have you noticed the rapid shift that many seniors have had to make into using new technology over the past two months? I look to my own mother as an example. At 83 she has embraced the changes, some with more enthusiasm than others I have to admit, but still, as...