The Importance of Version Control

The Importance of Version Control

What’s the big deal with version control? Ever found yourself using an old version of a document, or perhaps faced with a number of different versions of the same document but weren’t sure which one you should be using? That’s why you need version control. Version...
Lifestory Work In Action

Lifestory Work In Action

Last week, we looked at the negative impact of not knowing a person well, how lack of insight into their history and habits can lead to an adverse outcome. This week I want to review the positive side of understanding the consumer of aged care services better and how...
Quality Reviews – Preparing Your Staff

Quality Reviews – Preparing Your Staff

If they’ve never been through a quality review, or they’ve been involved in a review in the past that didn’t go to well, your staff may be anxious about any upcoming reviews – especially if they think they are going to be ‘tested’ on their knowledge or they are...
Conversational Assessment

Conversational Assessment

Have a think about a time that you were applying for a loan or looking to make a large purchase. If you’re around my age, it’s probably occurred a few times through your life. Now consider how the person ‘interviewing’ you, or trying to help you get what you wanted,...