Neglect Is Still Abuse

Neglect Is Still Abuse

Neglect is also a form of Elder Abuse. How many elders have been seriously injured or have died as a result of staff or family carers neglecting to provide essential care and support to a vulnerable person? Now, when I talk about neglect I am not referring to those...
Quality Reviews – Preparing Your Staff

Quality Reviews – Preparing Your Staff

If they’ve never been through a quality review, or they’ve been involved in a review in the past that didn’t go to well, your staff may be anxious about any upcoming reviews – especially if they think they are going to be ‘tested’ on their knowledge or they are...
Conversational Assessment

Conversational Assessment

Have a think about a time that you were applying for a loan or looking to make a large purchase. If you’re around my age, it’s probably occurred a few times through your life. Now consider how the person ‘interviewing’ you, or trying to help you get what you wanted,...